Collective worship
As a Church school, Collective Worship is an important and special time during which we can share in celebrating God's love and learning more about the Christian faith. It is a place that pupils and staff feel a sense of community and an expression of our school's Christian vision. Through stories, songs and prayer, we aim to help the children to develop their spirituality, as well as becoming more understanding and tolerant of the beliefs of others. Worship is inclusive, in that pupils and staff can access relevant to faith or background, as well as no faith background.
Invitational: Collective Worship is invitational and provides an opportunity for pupils and staff to pray if they wish.
We believe that the Christian values we promote through collective worship are important for all of our pupils to learn as 'values for life'. We encourage the involvement of all pupils so that their sense of belonging as a member of our school community can be strengthened.
Our Worship Wonderers are involved in leading and supporting daily worship.
There are many opportunities for parents, family and friends to join the school in Collective Worship. We also take part in worship in our special whole school and class led services at school and in Church such as Christmas, Harvest, Mothering Sunday and Easter.