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Saplings & Acorns Class (EYFS)

Welcome to Saplings & Acorns 

Welcome to all children in Acorns (Nursery) and Saplings (Reception)

Reading to your Child

Whether your child is in Nursery or Reception, we ask that you read, read and read some more to them! By reading books to them daily, you can make a huge difference to their listening and understanding skills as well as broadening and enriching their vocabulary and feeding their imagination. 


Over the course of the year, Reception will follow the Read Write Inc. scheme. We will be focussing on blending sounds in segmented words (m-a-t, mat) before progressing to reading words with 'Fred Talk, Read the Word' and simple sentences in their 'Red Ditty' book. This will be done when your child is ready, to ensure that they feel confident and able to succeed in reading. They will then progress through the scheme onto green books and beyond when they reach year 1.

You can read more about Read Write Inc. here, where you will also find the handwriting phrases, 'Fred' games and a 'Parent FAQ' document that you can use to support your child at home.

We will continue to encourage correct letter formation at school. You can reinforce this at home in lots of fun ways such as using their finger to draw and write in sand, steam on the shower screen and painting over chalk letters with water.


As well as having focussed maths activities, we ensure that maths is a part of everyday play and conversations in Reception. We use these interactions to develop careful counting skills, number recognition and understanding as well as exploring shapes and measures. At home, you can help by doing the same too! Can they figure out which shape you've drawn on their back by considering how many sides you drew? Which numbers can they see around their home environment? Can they measure and count for a recipe? Practise forming numerals with dough, by drawing them in the mud with a stick or on the steamed up glass of the shower - holding their hand if needed to help them feel how to write it.

Play and the Curriculum 

Your child will be exposed to all areas of the curriculum through a combination of child-initiated learning and focussed activities. In EYFS, play often provides the most meaningful and enjoyable learning experience. Unstructured play is not only fun, but it is critically important for the development of children's bodies and brains. One of the best ways to encourage unstructured play is by providing open-ended toys, or toys that can be used in multiple ways. 

 Building Learning Power

At Darrington School, we are actively creating and promoting learning friendly classroom cultures that nurture the habits and attitudes of curious, confident and independent learners. You may be surprised to hear your child using complex language (such as 'perseverance', 'collaboration' and 'absorption') relating to the different learning muscles but, by making the how of the learning explicit, we can help them develop healthy learning habits for life!

Final words...

Please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office by telephone or through the school’s admin email ( if you feel you need to speak to a member of the EYFS Team.

Best wishes,

Rachel Gregson (Reception Teacher & Early Years Leader)

Carolyn Bland (Reception Teacher)

Aaron Loveday (Nursery Specialist)

Gill Murray (Teaching Assistant)

Amy Butterfield (Teaching Assistant)